Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Leadership Training is done and Oren's Birthday

This past week we finished our last week of leadership training in Akron, PA. I feel as prepared as I think is possible for this assignment without being there yet. The last week we focused on strategic planning, as we will need to define the direction for the Burundi program in the next 5 years. MCC is focused primarily on working with local partners in the country where they serve, and our work in Burundi is focused on peace-making training, and 'capacity building'. Among the partners we work with are several associated with the Evangelical Friends Church in Rwanda, Burundi, and Eastern Congo. We have a worker supporting programs involved in reforestation in a food-for-work initiative, and a teacher working with the ba-twa (pygmy tribe) in Burundi. The Country (Burundi) is the poorest in the world. They are still emerging from a devastating civil war. AIDS and very high fertility contribute to the challenges they face. 50% of the population is under 15. I pray that we might be able to walk with those who are struggling and have integrity about the ways we reach out to them. Please make prayer for the people of Burundi a part of your prayers for us. On our last day in Akron, we had a commissioning ceremony as part of a morning chapel service. Rebecca and I helped lead worship and we did a 'song and dance' presentation. She played and sang "I Want Jesus to Walk with Me" and I danced. It was very well received! It was a blessing to share as part of the leadership training experience.

On a different note: We got back to Baltimore this past Thursday night and celebrated Oren's Birthday on Friday (a bit late, but he can't read a calendar yet). It was really the Birthday of his dreams as trains was the theme, and he received 4 treasured gifts that he loves!
  • The movie The Polar Express (which he had but watched it until it wore out.)
  • A Polar Express Brio engine and coal car
  • A picture of a diesel engine going down the track in the Hudson River Valley (Heidi Espinoza took it.)
  • A little rolling suitcase to carry his toys to Africa.
  • He also got a Thomas the Tank Engine Birthday cake that amazed him!
Here is a picture of his Thomas cake. I am glad he enjoyed this. He really misses New York. He talks about playing with Asa and Pastor Bob often. And he wishes he could go to his red house. Yesterday, he asked us, "What is God's name?" We told him, "Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit." He replied, "I want to call God 'house.'" We do pray that Oren will be able to find spiritual security in this time of transition, in his insightful, three-year-old way.

Today we have been unloading our pod, which arrived this morning. Everything seems intact. Thanks again to all who helped us pack! We have less than 2 weeks to go before we leave the US...


Anonymous said...

I just got ahold of the blog finally! Yeah!! We miss y'all soooo much! You are still in Baltimore, right? Until what date??? Lots of love and prayers from the Caramicos

jhart5864 said...

We miss you so much! It's good to hear that you were able to be sent off with such a positive spirit. We pray that God will use all of your abilities to make a SIGNIFICANT change in Burundi. We're happy for Oren and it's amazing how much he has learned in three short years.
We just got back from M-Fuge and it was just awesome AGAIN. Aly is starting to ask the questions about salvation and she thinks she accepted Christ this week. She expected some kind of "epiphany", some sort of emotional feeling. I assured her that it doesn't always happen that way. We had two great Church devotionals - one where Jeff asked the kids to write down their STORY - as a follow up to the camp pastor's sermon. They actually were silent for a good 15 minutes and concentrated hard in writing their stories. Last night we did an "affirmation share", where everyone got affirmed by at least three other people and prayed for. I am so proud of all the students at PUMC. It showed Jeff and Katie how much they really care about each other and want each other to grow in their faith. We'll send some photos in e-mails. We love you and will continue to pray for you.

Jeff, Wendy, Justin, and Aly